127410, Российская Федерация, Москва, Алтуфьевское ш., д.41А, email: info@expertnk.ru
+7(495) 660 94 49 (многоканальный номер)
8 (800) 250 94 49 (бесплатный для регионов)
  • Certification Of Specialists
  • Laboratory Accreditation
  • NDT Devices & Means
  • Calibration Of NDT Funds


LLC “EXPERT NK” - Your reliable partner in the comprehensive solution of tasks in the field of non-destructive testing!

Certify Specialists

  • creating an order in manual and automatic modes;
  • maintaining a card index of specialists and their certificates;
  • receipt of reminders on the expiration of the certificate accreditation period.

Attestation and Accreditation of Laboratories

  • creating an order in manual and automatic modes;
  • maintaining a list of laboratories and their certificates;
  • receipt of reminders on the expiration of the certificate accreditation.

NDT Devices & Means

  • large and convenient equipment catalog;
  • producer prices.

Verification & Calibration of NDT tools

  • creating an order in manual and automatic modes;
  • maintaining a card index of devices with verification dates.

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