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  • Certification Of Specialists
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GOST 5686-2020

Soils. Field test methods by piles

Section: State standards (GOST)

Document: GOST 5686-2020

GOST 5686-2020 applies to methods for field testing of soils with piles (field, reference, probe piles) carried out during engineering surveys for construction, for control tests of soils with piles during construction, as well as during reconstruction. The standard does not apply to swelling and saline soils, if it is necessary to study them with soaking, and to soils containing coarse-grained inclusions of more than 40% by weight when tested with standard piles or probe piles (except for cases of their occurrence under the lower ends of these piles), as well as on tests simulating seismic and operational dynamic effects.

Key words: soils, piles, permafrost soils, non-frozen (thawed) soils, field tests, control tests.

Compliance with areas of accreditation

Included in the scope of accreditation

Destructive & Other Types of Tests:

  • Полевые испытания сваями



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