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GOST 5640-2020

Steel. Metallographic method for determination of microstructure of flat rolled product

Section: State standards (GOST)

Document: GOST 5640-2020

GOST 5640-2020 applies to flat products (sheets, coils, strip and strip) and establishes methods for evaluating unalloyed and alloyed steel structurally free cementite, pearlite, banding and Widmanstatt structure. It is allowed to use the standard to assess the microstructure of other types of metal products from non-alloyed and alloyed deformed steel, including after heat treatment. The use of methods for assessing the microstructure according to this standard should be indicated in the regulatory documents for the supply of metal products.

Keywords: microstructure; flat products; metal products; perlite; ferrite; tertiary cementite; bainite; anisotropy; banding; image analyzer.

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Destructive & Other Types of Tests:

  • Макроскопический анализ, в том числе анализ изломов сварных соединений



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