127410, Российская Федерация, Москва, Алтуфьевское ш., д.41А, email: info@expertnk.ru
+7(495) 660 94 49 (многоканальный номер)
8 (800) 250 94 49 (бесплатный для регионов)
  • Certification Of Specialists
  • Laboratory Accreditation
  • NDT Devices & Means
  • Calibration Of NDT Funds


The library contains the necessary regulatory documents on methods and objects of non-destructive testing, on destructive and other tests, which are accredited by "EXPERT NK", as well as additional materials.

You can search for documents by their number or name, or use the Document Selection function to search for documents by objects or control methods.

Currently the library contains 1174 valid documents.

    Information on all sections