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GOST 32569-2013

Industrial steel pipe-lines. Requirements for design and operation in explosive and chemically dangerous industries

Section: State standards (GOST)

Document: GOST 32569-2013

GOST 32569-2013 establishes requirements for the design, construction, manufacture, testing, installation, operation of technological steel pipelines intended for transportation within the industrial enterprises of chemical, petrochemical, oil, oil refining, gas processing and other related potentially hazardous industries of gaseous, vaporous and liquid media with a design pressure up to 320 MPa inclusive and a vacuum of not less than 665 Pa (5 mm Hg) at a temperature of the medium from minus 196 ° C to plus 700 ° C.

Key words: technological steel pipelines, requirements for arrangement, requirements for operation, explosion- and fire-hazardous and chemically hazardous industries

Compliance with areas of accreditation

Included in the scope of accreditation

Objects of control: 8.12.



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