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  • Certification Of Specialists
  • Laboratory Accreditation
  • NDT Devices & Means
  • Calibration Of NDT Funds

The result of the selection of documents

Destructive & Other Types of Tests: сдвиговой деформации (SST)

State standards (GOST)

GOST R 58401.25-2019
Automobile roads for general use. Road asphalt concrete mixtures and asphalt concrete. Shear Strain Determination Methods (SST)
Included in the scope of accreditation
More details

GOST R 58401.25-2019 applies to mixtures of asphalt road concrete and asphalt concrete and establishes methods for determining the shear deformation of asphalt concrete at a cyclic shear frequency and constant height of the test specimen (method A), with simple shear and constant height of the test specimen (method B) and repeated shear and constant the height of the test piece (method B) by means of vertical and horizontal shear stresses.

Key words: asphalt concrete, frequency, deformation, shear, sample.


Compliance with areas of accreditation:

Destructive & Other Types of Tests:

  • сдвиговой деформации (SST)
  • PDF
