127410, Российская Федерация, Москва, Алтуфьевское ш., д.41А, email: info@expertnk.ru
+7(495) 660 94 49 (многоканальный номер)
8 (800) 250 94 49 (бесплатный для регионов)
  • Certification Of Specialists
  • Laboratory Accreditation
  • NDT Devices & Means
  • Calibration Of NDT Funds


«EXPERT NK» LLC — is an Association of companies engaged in the development, production, sale, verification and maintenance of non-destructive testing (NDT) devices; training and certification of NDT specialists; equipping, certification and accreditation of laboratories.
Company directions
  • Production of non-destructive testing equipment
  • Non-destructive testing services
  • Training and certification of non-destructive testing specialists
  • Certification of non-destructive testing laboratories
  • Accreditation of laboratories for destructive and other types of tests
  • The arrangement of laboratories with equipment and NDT means
  • Sale of NDT equipment and tools
  • Calibration of NDT instruments and measuring instruments
  • Consultations on practical work on the Customer's devices
  • Consulting services
years of experience and improvement
certifications of specialists
laboratory certifications
transactions for filling laboratories with devices
loyal customers
Our certificates

No. NOAP-0056

Limited Liability Company "EXPERT NK"

127410,Russian Federation, Moscow, Altufevskoe highway, 41A

The organization is accredited as an Independent Body for Personnel Attestation (Certification) in accordance with ISO/IEC 17024:2012 «General requirements for personnel certification bodies», SDA-13-2009 «Requirements for independent bodies for attestation (certification) of personnel»

No. 10111

Limited Liability Company "EXPERT NK"

127410,Russian Federation, Moscow, Altufevskoe highway, 41A

meets the requirements of the Nondestructive Testing System for the Independent Certification Bodies of Nondestructive Testing Laboratories in the field of accreditation according to the appendix (minutes of the meeting of the Accreditation Commission No. SDA-KA-179-NOAL (129) dated 25.12.2018).

No. 00А010432

OJSC "NTsT" Industrial safety"

Non-destructive testing laboratory of the "EXPERT NK" limited liability company
127410, Moscow, Altufevskoe highway, 41A

the requirements of the Non-Destructive Testing System


Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare

Limited Liability Company "EXPERT NK"
Russian Federation

activities in the field of using sources of ionizing radiation (generating) (except for the case if these sources are used in medical activities)


Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare

Non-destructive testing laboratory of the "EXPERT NK" limited liability company
127410,Moscow, Altufevskoe highway, 41A

state sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations.

No. РОСС RU.31391.04ИБФ0.B02.0159


Limited Liability Company "EXPERT NK"
127410, Moscow, Altufevskoe highway, 41A


ISO 9001:2015

Company priorities

Solving complex Customer tasks in the shortest possible time

Production of own high-quality equipment

Sale of partner equipment at manufacturer's prices

High quality of services performed with the possibility of constant monitoring

Quality support at all stages of delivery, warranty and post-warranty service

Chronology of events
  • 2006

    The mission of the future company is formulated: "COMPREHENSIVE SOLUTION OF PROBLEMS IN THE FIELD OF NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING" (NDT). It was decided to help customers with everything related to NDT. And it was decided to start work with a difficult but interesting task - to organize the training of specialists in all NDT methods that are on the market. Invented a name, logo and wrote a website. A trademark registration application has been filed.

  • 2007

    02/07/2007 EXPERT NK LLC received a certificate of state registration of a legal entity

    On March 7, 2007 Certificate No. 09-10 was received on the recognition of EXPERT NK LLC as the Examination Center of the Independent Body Attestation (Certification) Body of NIKIMT-Atomstroy JSC - the NIKIMT Certification Center.

    In the same year, the first comprehensive service was provided for our customer.

  • 2008

    08/29/2008 A certificate of certification of the Non-Destructive Testing Laboratory of EXPERT NK LLC No. 52A010799 from OJSC RosEC was received

    The next comprehensive solution has been reached - at the request of the customer, the laboratory was equipped at producer prices with instruments and non-destructive testing devices. It was decided to open a new independent department, which will conclude contracts for the supply of equipment. Organized warehouse and built logistics.

    Added the provision of services for the organization of verification and calibration of measuring instruments. The process of filling the site with devices and controls with open prices has been launched so that the Client has the opportunity to compare with offers on the market.

  • 2009

    On May 22, 2009 a new Certificate No. 09-10 was received on recognition of EXPERT NK LLC as the Examination Center of the Independent Body Attestation (Certification) Body of NIKIMT-Atomstroy JSC - the NIKIMT Certification Center.

    For further growth, maximum automation of business processes was required and a start was made on writing their own software module, which helped employees to monitor their actions during certification of specialists and printing of certificates.

  • 2010

    An online assistant has been set up, which is capable of independently, without involving employees, to help customers sort through different sections of the site and form an application with billing and contract.

    Development of BI-system started

    Implementation of our own CRM to effectively support the operational activities of the enterprise: automated preparation of contracts, accounts, invoices, acts.

  • 2011

    08/29/2011 certificate of certification of the Non-destructive Testing Laboratory of EXPERT NK LLC No. 81A010301 from OJSC NIKIMT-Atomstroy was extended

    September 1, 2011 the extension of the certification area of ​​Certificate No. 09-10 * was received on the recognition of EXPERT NK LLC as the Examination Center of the Independent Certification Body for Certification (Certification) of Personnel of NIKIMT-Atomstroy JSC - the Certification Center of NIKIMT.

    Software implemented quick receipt of reports on the state of affairs for any period of time.

    Extensions of CRM functionality for warehouse automation.

    For site visitors added free additional services:
    - the ability to maintain a list of laboratory certificates;
    - the ability to maintain a list of certificates of specialists;
    - the ability to maintain file cabinets of NDT instruments with verification dates.

    Alerts are automatically generated for all items at the end of the validity period of certification documents and the opportunity to create an application for extending the validity period has been implemented.

    The library of regulatory documents for site visitors has been redesigned.

  • 2012

    The list of equipment offered has expanded. New suppliers added.

    January 11, 2012 EXPERT NK LLC became the official representative of Acoustic Control Systems LLC in the Russian Federation

    July 4, 2012 EXPERT NK LLC became the exclusive distributor of the Swedish company Labino AB in the field of non-destructive testing in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan

    07/30/2012 introduced a new additional federal number 8 (800) 250-94-49 for free calls in the Russian Federation.

    12/25/2012 The certificate of accreditation of LLC "EXPERT NK" No. 10111 as an Independent Authority for the certification of non-destructive testing laboratories was obtained from OJSC "Scientific and Technical Center" Industrial Safety"

    Development and posting on the website of courses for distance training of specialists.

  • 2013

    03/25/2013 « “EXPERT NK”» LLC has become an authorized service center of the Swedish company Labino AB in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

    08/02/2013 NOAL "EXPERT NK" LLC has expanded the scope of accreditation of Certificate No. 10111 of 12.25.12.

  • 2014

    August 18, 2014 received a new certificate on certification of the laboratory of non-destructive testing LLC "EXPERT NK" from OJSC "Scientific and Technical Center" Industrial Safety "No. 00A010333.

    Optimization of staff costs.

    Improving CRM for automation of supporting processes (managerial accounting, paperwork), strengthening control over operational work to reduce errors and improve control accuracy.

  • 2015

    12/25/2015 The certificate of accreditation of LLC "EXPERT NK" No. 10111 as an Independent Authority for the certification of non-destructive testing laboratories was obtained from OJSC "Scientific and Technical Center" Industrial Safety"

    12/28/2015 the expansion of the certification area of ​​Certificate No. 09-10 * on the recognition of EXPERT NK LLC as the Examination Center of the Independent Certification Body for Certification (Certification) of Personnel of NIKIMT-Atomstroy JSC - the Certification Center of NIKIMT was obtained.

  • 2016

    Production launch.

    Own unique methods have been developed for the production of Training and Examination samples for all non-destructive testing methods. Unique manufacturing technology of training samples.

    Development of a unique installation for tightness control with the POLIGAN control panel, vacuum frames with valve handles, NS-10V LED negatoscope, photo lamp and other monitoring accessories. Launch of mass production. Obtaining patents for inventions.

    Minimizing the influence of the human factor at all levels from warehouse to management.

    Implementation of the mobile version of the site.

    The site added the ability to independently form the composition of the tightness control installation: choose a pump, vacuum frames and other components.

    Extension of CRM functions: adding automated formation of commercial offers.

  • 2017

    The technology for the production of UWG-3, UWG-2, KUG and the launch of serial production have been developed.

    03/31/2017 the certificate of accreditation of LLC "EXPERT NK" No. NOAP-0056 was obtained as an Independent body for attestation (certification) of personnel in the field of non-destructive testing from OJSC "Scientific and Technical Center" Industrial Safety "

    04/14/2017 Expanding the capabilities of our own laboratory of EXPERT NK LLC - the sanitary and epidemiological conclusion No. was received on a portable X-ray apparatus "RAP 160-5".

    05.03.2017 a certificate of conformity was obtained by EXPERT NK LLC ROSS RU.31391.04IBF0.V02.0159 on the compliance of the quality management system with the requirements of the standard GOST R ISO 9001-2015 (ISO 9001: 2015)

    06/30/2017 EXPERT NK LLC obtained License No.� FOR IMPLEMENTATION activities in the field of use of ionizing radiation sources (generating) (except if these sources are used in medical activities)

    10/05/2017 a new certificate was obtained on certification of the non-destructive testing laboratory of EXPERT NK LLC from Scientific and Technical Center Industrial Safety OJSC No. 00A010386.

    Design and manufacture of the EMDEUS magnetic particle detector.

    Implementation on the website of calculators of the cost of certification services for personnel and accreditation of laboratories.

    The first step to internalizing the site: the ability to select a currency to display prices on the site for foreign customers.

  • 2018

    Automation of the main business processes (sales management and customer service).

    In the site add the ability to secure and save individual contract templates for various clients. When registering, data entry was optimized: auto-completion of organization data by TIN and bank details by BIC.

    Introduction of product prices, depending on the quantity of the quantity ordered: more order - more discount!

    Automatic system of notifications of visitors according to the state of the placed order.

    The improvement of the automation software in the financial documents: invoice, deed and invoice are replaced by Universal Transfer Document

  • 2019

    A system of promotional codes has been introduced for visitors to receive individual discounts.

    The site has improved the search system for more convenient work with the results.

    Articles for unique identification and display of the actual availability of goods in stock have been added to the goods.

    In order to increase the security of issued certificates, holograms for certificates for safety certificates have been introduced.

    Implemented online payment of orders by individuals.

  • 2020

    In January, the next inspection control of the NOAP LLC "EXPERT NK" was carried out for compliance with the requirements of GOST R ISO / IEC 17024-2017, SDA-01-2009, SDA-13-2009, PB 03-440-02.

    In March, a regular inspection control by NOAL LLC "EXPERT NK" was carried out for compliance with the requirements of the Regulations on the Independent Body for Certification of Non-Destructive Testing Laboratories (NOAL), SDA-01-2009, PB 03-372-00.

    On 05.11.2020, a new certificate of certification of LNK was received from JSC "STC" Industrial Safety "for three years within the framework of PB 03-440-02.

    Due to the restrictions on COVID-19, interactive courses have been developed that allow for theoretical training remotely. The course of lectures examines the physical foundations of the methods and describes in detail the methods of control. In this combination, the listener gradually, from simple to complex, plunges into the chosen control method, understanding the possibilities of its application and the features of the equipment used. The text is illustrated and supported by a video, and at the end of each chapter there is an opportunity to test your knowledge and consolidate the main questions that are found in tickets. After completing the course, there is an opportunity, on our website, to pass the theoretical part as a training session before the exam and evaluate your knowledge as during real tests. During the preparation process, clients have access to our virtual library, with a convenient search by methods and objects of control, constantly updated with current regulatory documentation.

    The site has been translated into English.

  • 2021

    SDANK-01-2020 and SDANK-02-2020 were put into effect.

    In April 2021, the next inspection control for compliance with the requirements for the NOAP was passed.

    On December 20, 2021, the NOAL accreditation certificate was extended for a new period.

    The library has been replenished with new normative documents.

    The site added a section "Favorites" - allows you to mark "favorite" products.

    For products that are temporarily out of stock, you can turn on an alert when they appear again on sale.

    Enhanced protection of personal data.

    Automated accounting of consumables and finished products in production using its software.

    Videos have been added to interactive courses.

    Manufacturing technologies have been perfected and USHS-4 cathetomer KMS-3-16, WG13, WG1, WG2+ have been put into mass production.

    Technologies for manufacturing squares of various types according to GOST 3749-77 have been developed.


«EXPERT NK» LLC - Your reliable partner in the comprehensive solution of tasks in the field of non-destructive testing!