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Fixer G30 - universal concentrate for photo processing

Fixer G30Fixer G30
Fixer G30Fixer G30
China Lucky Group Corporation
Price level: Retail
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231 Br
delivery time to 10 days

Fixer LUCKY (LAKI) G30 is produced using technologies close to AGFA technologies and is intended for automatic processing of x-ray films, but can also be used for manual processing.

The G30 fixer package includes two sets of chemicals (a 5 liter can of component A and a 0.5 liter bottle of component B) to prepare 40 liters of ready-to-use working solution.

To obtain a working solution of fixer G30, the reagent kit is diluted to a volume of 20 liters:

  • to do this, pour all 5 liters of component A into a container with 14 liters of water at a temperature of 21-38 ° C and mix thoroughly;
  • add the contents of the vial (0.5 l) of component B to the resulting solution and mix thoroughly;
  • add water to a total volume of 20 liters and mix thoroughly.

To prepare working solutions, clean water without mechanical impurities should be used.

Instructions for the preparation of working solutions are printed on the packages in the form of a diagram.

Fixer LUCKY (LACKS) G30 is supplied as a package with two sets.

Producer - China Lucky Group Corporation, China. The company has been manufacturing materials for radiography since 1958. The production of products is certified in accordance with the standards: ISO 11699-1, EN 584-1, ASTME 1815.

Specific consumption per 1 m2, l1,665
Time of processing, min.from 5,0 to 10,0

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