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KLEVER UZK - couplant for ultrasonic testing

Price level: Retail
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KLEVER UZK (100 ml)
19 Br
19 Br
10 Br from 12 pcs.
9 Br
delivery time to 10 days

Ultrasonic contact fluid KLEVER UZK for ultrasonic testing. PH-neutral, non-corrosive on metal surfaces, non-allergic. Made on the basis of medical liquid petroleum jelly.

KLEVER UZK is ideal for use in laboratory and workshop conditions on products with a surface quality not worse than Rz 40. For rough and highly corroded surfaces, as well as for vertical surfaces, it is recommended to use a special gel KLEVER UZK-Pro.

Package includes
  • bottle KLEVER UZK 100 ml.
Composition, physical and chemical properties
Basevaseline oil GOST 32852
Density, g/cm30,87-0,89 (at 20°C)
Kinematic viscosity, mm2/sfrom 30,0 to 32,0 (at 50°С)
Environmental protection
Flash point, °С185 (not less)
Frost resistanceyes
Operating conditions
Operating temperature range, °Cfrom -25 to +50

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