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Depth gauge IGK - corrosion depth indicator

Depth gauge IGKDepth gauge IGK
Depth gauge IGK, 1 - probe, 2 - nozzle, 3 - indicator leg, 4 - controlled surfaceDepth gauge IGK, 1 - probe, 2 - nozzle, 3 - indicator leg, 4 - controlled surface
1 - probe, 2 - nozzle, 3 - indicator leg, 4 - controlled surface
Price level: Retail
Retailcheckout at the office;
Online Starter*entry level benefits;
Online 1..5*five steps:
more orders - more benefits;
Online Wholesale*maximum benefit;
Online VIP*individual discount.

* valid only for orders placed on the site, according to the standard templates of contracts and accounts, it is mandatory to accept the Confidentiality Conditions for the information of an individual offer

Code: 01839
354 Br
delivery time to 10 days

Depth gauge IGK - indicator of corrosion depth IGK is designed for operational control of the depth of focal corrosion, the values ​​of which can be used to determine the indicators of corrosion and corrosion resistance in accordance with the methods set forth in GOST 9.908-85.

Structurally, the IGK depth gauge consists of a probe (1), a nozzle (2) fixed with screws on the indicator leg (3). Measurement of the depth of the corrosion center is determined by the shift of the indicator leg (3) relative to the support surface of the nozzle (2) into the controlled surface (4).

Complies with TU 3942-075-12719185-2016.

Package includes
  • depth gauge IGK;
  • nozzle d10;
  • probe No. 1;
  • device passport;
  • indicator passport.

Производство: ООО "Квазар"

Technical Data
Measurement parameters
Depth measurement error, no more, mm0,02
Measurement range, mmfrom 0,05 to 8,00
Dimensions and weight
Weight, kg0,250
Operating conditions
Operating temperature range, °Cfrom -25 to +60
Relative humidity, no more, %95
Service life and warranty
Service life, years2
Warranty period, months12

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