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  • Certification Of Specialists
  • Laboratory Accreditation
  • NDT Devices & Means
  • Calibration Of NDT Funds

Блок питания 5V/220V 0,35A

Блок питания 5V/220V 0,35AБлок питания 5V/220V 0,35A
Price level: Retail
Retailcheckout at the office;
Online Starter*entry level benefits;
Online 1..5*five steps:
more orders - more benefits;
Online Wholesale*maximum benefit;
Online VIP*individual discount.

* valid only for orders placed on the site, according to the standard templates of contracts and accounts, it is mandatory to accept the Confidentiality Conditions for the information of an individual offer

Code: 39005
51 Br
in stock

Сетевой блок питания для толщиномеров ТМ-3, ТМ-4, ТМ-4Т и приборов МВП-2М.

Напряжение питания - 5 В, выходной ток 0,35 А.

Package includes
  • блок питания 5V/220V 0,35A
AC power requirements
Operating supply voltage, V5
Current strength, A0,4

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