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KLEVER KLf North - frost-resistant finishing cleaner

Price level: Retail
Retailcheckout at the office;
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Code: 30623
22 Br
delivery time to 10 days

The frost-resistant finishing cleaner KLEVER KLf North is designed to remove contrasting white paint after magnetic particle testing, as well as to clean the surface from various types of contaminants in the cold season.

All cylinders KLEVER KLf North are equipped with a special trigger sprayer, which is convenient for use with gloves and works optimally in the cold.

Mode of application

Apply the cleaner to the cloth and wipe the test object with it.

Manufactured in accordance with TU 2374-001-77720383-2015. Complies with GOST R 56512-2015, GOST R ISO 9934-2-2011 and Decisions of the Commission of the Customs Union No. 299 dated 05/28/2010.

Package includes
  • aerosol can KLEVER KLf North with a capacity of 500 ml,
  • safety data sheet (per batch),
  • packaging (per batch).
Composition, physical and chemical properties
Environmental protection
Frost resistanceyes
Operating conditions
Operating temperature range, °Cfrom -20 to +40
Service life and warranty
Shelf life in unopened packaging, months60

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