Visual measurement control kit VIKUniversal kits for visual and measuring control. Provide control according to RD 34.10.130-96 (RD 03-606-03) or according to RD 19.100.00-KTN-001-10.
Universal welder’s gage UWG–3Universal welder’s gage (indicator) for control of preparation elements for welded joints, electrodes and pieces of welded joints.
Universal welder’s gage UWS-2Universal welder’s gage UWS–2 aims at control of fillet weld leg within the range 0,16-0,55 in. The control is conducted by step-by step method up to the minimum gap.
Square unit UP EXPERT NK (flat locksmith)Flat checking squares, type UP in accordance with GOST 3749-77, are intended for checking and marking right angles (90°). They are used to control the perpendicular arrangement of parts in the process of fitting and assembly and curvature work.
Square unit UP EXPERT NK (flat locksmith) 160х100 class 1 (Code: 73S320)
Square unit UP EXPERT NK (flat locksmith) 160х100 class 2 (Code: 73S321)
Square unit UP EXPERT NK (flat locksmith) 100х60 class 1 (Code: 73S318)
Square unit UP EXPERT NK (flat locksmith) 100х60 class 2 (Code: 73S319)
Square unit UP EXPERT NK (flat locksmith) 60х40 class 1 (Code: 73S322)
Square unit UP EXPERT NK (flat locksmith) 60х40 class 2 (Code: 73S323)
Meter Template Usherov-Marshak WG3 vernierUniversal welder's template for measuring the bevel of edges in the preparation of welded joints, measuring the height of the reinforcement bead and the leg of the fillet weld, the convexity of the weld root and measuring gaps when preparing parts for welding.
Meter Template Usherov-Marshak WG3 vernier without calibration
Meter Template Usherov-Marshak WG3 vernier with calibration
Measurer Bridge Cam MG-8For measurements of fillet weld concavity, fillet weld convexity, fillet weld leg, undercut factor, misalignment/displacement, point fixation factor, as well as for use as a ruler up to 60 mm and measuring the groove angle 0° - 60°.
Universal template Krasovskij universal gage KUG-1Krasovskij universal gage KUG aims at control of tee-butt, lap and abutting welded joints and also at measuring gaps between the edges of the parts to be welded
Krasovskij universal gage KUG-1 without calibration (Code: 73S301)
Krasovskij universal gage KUG-1 with calibration (Code: 73S302)
Universal template for welder USHS-4For visual and measuring control of abutting parts, parameters of butt and fillet welds, defects and control of the diameters of electrodes and welding wire.