127410, Российская Федерация, Москва, Алтуфьевское ш., д.41А, email: info@expertnk.ru
+7(495) 660 94 49 (многоканальный номер)
8 (800) 250 94 49 (бесплатный для регионов)
  • Certification Of Specialists
  • Laboratory Accreditation
  • NDT Devices & Means
  • Calibration Of NDT Funds


Гибкие видеоэндоскопы помимо всех технических возможностей оптических эндоскопов позволяют (благодаря цветной цифровой ПЗС-матрице) максимально легко проводить документирование контроля с сохранением результатов в видеорегистраторе или ПК.

Video endoscope K-expert6
on order
Video endoscope K-expert6Portable video endoscope for internal examination of objects of complex shape with articulation in 4 directions. Diameter 6 mm.
K-expert6-1000-4 (Code: 67071)
K-expert6-1500-4 (Code: 67072)
K-expert6-2000-4 (Code: 67073)
K-expert6-2500-4 (Code: 67074)
K-expert6-3000-4 (Code: 67075)
K-expert6-4000-4 (Code: 67076)
K-expert6-5000-4 (Code: 67077)
K-expert6-6000-4 (Code: 67078)
K-expert6-7000-4 (Code: 67079)
from 24 275 Br
on order
from 24 275 BrExplore
Video endoscope K-expert8
on order
Video endoscope K-expert8Portable video endoscope for internal examination of objects of complex shape with articulation in 4 directions. Diameter 8 mm.
K-expert8-1000-4 (Code: 67091)
K-expert8-1500-4 (Code: 67092)
K-expert8-2000-4 (Code: 67093)
K-expert8-2500-4 (Code: 67094)
K-expert8-3000-4 (Code: 67095)
K-expert8-4000-4 (Code: 67096)
K-expert8-5000-4 (Code: 67097)
K-expert8-6000-4 (Code: 67098)
K-expert8-7000-4 (Code: 67099)
K-expert8-8000-4 (Code: 67100)
K-expert8-10000-4 (Code: 67101)
K-expert8-15000-4 (Code: 67102)
from 23 412 Br
on order
from 23 412 BrExplore
Video endoscope K-expert4
on order
Video endoscope K-expert4Portable video endoscope for internal examination of objects of complex shape with articulation in 4 directions. Diameter 4 mm.
K-expert4-1000-4 (Code: 67051)
K-expert4-1500-4 (Code: 67052)
K-expert4-2000-4 (Code: 67053)
K-expert4-2500-4 (Code: 67054)
K-expert4-3000-4 (Code: 67055)
from 29 179 Br
on order
from 29 179 BrExplore