127410, Российская Федерация, Москва, Алтуфьевское ш., д.41А, email: info@expertnk.ru
+7(495) 660 94 49 (многоканальный номер)
8 (800) 250 94 49 (бесплатный для регионов)
  • Certification Of Specialists
  • Laboratory Accreditation
  • NDT Devices & Means
  • Calibration Of NDT Funds

Personnel certification

NOAP «EXPERT NK» - is a leader in the field of training and certification of specialists (personnel) in non-destructive testing. EXPERT NK also carries out certification and training of specialists in destructive types (methods) of tests and provides various non-destructive testing services.

Certificate NOAP-0056

The independent personnel certification body «EXPERT NK» provides training and certification of non-destructive testing specialists for I and II qualification levels in accordance with the requirements of PB 03-440-02: NDT inspector, welders, engineers, quality control specialists, etc.

аттестация специалистов НК

Training and certification of specialists in non-destructive testing is carried out in accordance with the current schedule. During the training, candidates are provided with all the necessary regulatory documentation, analogues of exam questions and samples, equipment for acquiring practical skills on the basis of the method. The training is carried out by experienced specialists of the III level of qualification, certified in accordance with the rules of PB 03-440-02. An individual approach to the candidate allows you to choose a convenient training schedule and receive qualified advice on issues of interest to him.

To pass the certification, the specialist provides a set of source documents in accordance with the requirements of PB 03-440-02. Additional information on the source documents and application forms are available in the Documents for certification section. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information specified in this section to avoid errors and inaccuracies in the provision of documents.

Qualification and practical exams are held directly on the premises of the NOAP «EXPERT NK». On exams, equal conditions are provided for all candidates, subject to a friendly working atmosphere. In the NOAP «EXPERT NK» there are no additional requirements for the documents provided for certification and exams, except those specified in document PB 03-440-02.

After passing the certification, the specialist is issued a qualification certificate of the established sample within a period not exceeding three days.

Information on certification of specialists of the NDT: