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EMDEUS - magnetic particle flaw detector

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Code: 76Р404
13 575 Br
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The EMDEUS magnetic particle flaw detector is a compact device developed by EXPERT NK LLC for testing products by the magnetic method in any conditions. The flaw detector takes into account all known varieties and techniques of the magnetic particle testing method, including pulsed magnetization, DC magnetization using an electromagnet, and magnetization in a solenoid.

EMDEUS is ideal for non-destructive testing by the magnetic particle method using a constant or alternating magnetic field on ferromagnetic parts of various sizes and geometries. Providing the ability to create different types of magnetization, which allows you to achieve the highest sensitivity and excellent contrast in magnetic particle testing, both by the applied field method and by the method of residual magnetization. In this case, the controlled object is not a carrier of a magnetic field in itself, this field is organized by magnetization by currents, and interacts with the fields of magnetic particles deposited on the surface. Magnetic particles are magnetized (coagulate) and form accumulations on the surface of ferromagnetic materials, which indicate a stray field over defects, indicating with certainty the presence and location of surface and subsurface discontinuities such as flocks, shells, welding defects, grinding, hardening and fatigue cracks, etc. After the control is completed, the object is demagnetized. The properties of the human eye make it possible to see scratches on polished surfaces from 6.0 µm, and with the help of magnetic indicators with a magnetic particle size of 2.0 to 6.0 µm, the possibilities of detecting smaller defects on rougher, untreated surfaces, including welds, are significantly expanded. The effect of coagulation of magnetic particles turns defects invisible to the eye into easily detectable ones.

For maximum convenience of control, a magnetometer is built into the EMDEUS flaw detector.

Despite its small size and weight of just over 4 kg, the flaw detector has a pulsed current regulation of up to 5500 A, which allows it to be put on a par with the most powerful devices, which are an order of magnitude larger in weight.

Thanks to a convenient shoulder bag and a full range of functions, including automatic degaussing, EMDEUS turns into a convenient assistant not only in laboratory conditions, but also allows you to carry out control in hard-to-reach places.

Distinctive features
  • One device for all operating modes.
  • When connecting an incomplete wire, the flaw detector automatically determines the maximum transmission current.
  • Built-in magnetometer allows you to measure the normal and tangential components of the magnetic field.
  • The device interface is in two languages: Russian and English.
  • Convenient touch control. It is possible to control the built-in encoder.
  • Current adjustment from 0 to 5500 A.
  • The duration of the current pulse is 1.2 - 1.8 ms.
  • The tension between the poles of an electromagnet at a distance of 100 mm is 135 A/cm.
  • The tension in the center of the solenoid is 400 A/cm.
  • Settings memory (4 profiles each) both when magnetized by an electromagnet, solenoid, and with a wire.
  • Current-pause mode, with setting of pulse and pause times.
  • The duration of automatic demagnetization is 15/30/60 s.
A magnetic field
Variable magnetic fieldyes
The strength of the current in the winding of the electromagnet at alternating current, A6,0
Force of separation of the electromagnet from the plate MO-1, not less than, N200
The strength of the current in the winding of the electromagnet at direct current, Afrom 0,1 to 6,0
Permanent magnetic fieldyes
Pulsed magnetic fieldyes
Regular distance between poles, mm100
Magnetic field strength between the poles at a standard distance, A/m22 000
Magnetic field strength at the center of the solenoid, A/m39 000
Duration of automatic demagnetization, s15 / 30 / 60
Built-in magnetic field meteryes
Duration of current pulses, msfrom 1,20 to 1,80
Automatic current settingyes
Current-pause mode, current duration, sfrom 1 to 10
Current regulationyes
Operating modes in pulse modesingle current pulses / continuous following of current pulses
Current measurementyes
Pulse repetition rate, Hzfrom 0,5 to 1,7
Power supply
AC operationyes
AC power requirements
Mains voltage, Vfrom 100 to 240
AC frequency, Hz50
Dimensions and weight
Height, mm120,0
Width, mm210
Thickness, mm242,0
Weight, kg4,200

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