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TRT-310 Pk - developer

TRT-310 PkTRT-310 Pk
ООО "Реафотхим"
Price level: Retail
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152 Br
delivery time to 10 days

Developer TRT-310PK is a concentrated solution for chemical-photographic tank processing of X-ray technical films. Designed for processing technical radiographic films of domestic production (RT-1, RT-K, RT-7T, RT-1V) and foreign production (Kodak, Agfa, FUJI).

Developer TRT-310PK is manufactured according to TU 2390-011-27823540-02. Available in 5 l plastic packaging for preparation of 20 l of working solution, which allows processing at least 24 m2 of film. It is used only for "manual" or tank processing.

To prepare the working solution, distilled or filtered boiled water is used. The same developer is used as a regenerator, which is added to the working developer TRT-310PK in a ratio of 1:1 and is designed to maintain a constant level of developer in the development tank, its activity and stability in order to obtain a high-quality image.

Efficiency (amount of processed film) is not less than 1.2 m2 in 1 liter of solution with compensating additives. Preservation of the working solution per 20 liters for at least 2 months. For best results, developer TRT-310PK should be used in combination with fixer TRT-310FK.

Storage conditions

Store in a closed, dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding +25°C and a relative humidity of not more than 70%. It is not allowed to store in the area of ​​action of X-ray or other ionizing radiation.

Developer TRT-310RK is not recommended to be stored together with acids and alkalis. Warranty period of storage of a set of chemical kits in a transport container in a dark, dry room at a temperature of +5°С to +25°С is at least 1 year from the month of manufacture. The formation of a crystalline fraction is allowed, which does not adversely affect the quality of the reagents. When heated to 35 °C and stirred, the crystals dissolve.

Distinctive features
  • High image quality.
  • High stability.
  • No toxic fumes.
  • Does not require the addition of a regenerator, as it already contains it in its composition.
  • Simplification of the process of preparation of working solutions (preparation from one concentrate).
  • Reducing the amount of packaging.
  • Transport and storage safety.
Package includes
  • developer TRT-310PK (canister 5 liters);
  • quality certificate on the package;
Number of processed film, m2/l1,2
Service life and warranty
Shelf life in unopened packaging, months12

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